Mother & Baby

433 Native American Baby Name List with Meanings | Boys & Girls

440 Native American baby Name List with Meaning, Gender & Origin

Native Americans have been in the Americas for over 15,000 years, and it’s simple to see their influence in artwork, music, meals, games, products, phrases, and names all through America. Whereas many rivers, cities, and states have names that might be Native in origin. Native American baby name is usually not as distinguished in the mainstream tradition.

Native American baby names come from many various tribes and landscapes, together with the Hawaiian islands. Due to this variety, naming traditions are likely to range as well.

A couple of names of locations or tribes, akin to Dakota and Cheyenne, have seen some reputation through the years, however, most Native names — even well-known ones like Pocahontas and Sequoyah — are uncommon.

If you are fascinated about a Native American title to your youngster and you’ve got a connection to the tradition, consider researching the title or speaking to a member of that tribe.

However, those who aren’t of indigenous heritage love the thought of a Native title — or just need to honor the tradition — you may discover inspiration on this listing.

Simply keep in mind, when utilizing a name from a background apart from your own, you need to present respect by taking the time to know the means and pronunciation of the title you’re considering.

Listed below are some Native American names for boys and girls together with their meanings.

For your help, we have arranged all these 433 Native American baby names with starting alphabets. Check the contents below for a list.

Note: Rotate your mobile device if the Gender column is missing.

Native American Baby Name with A

Name Meaning Gender
Abey leaf Girl
Abooksigun Wildcat (Algonquin). Boy
Abornazine Abnaki word for keeper of the flame. Boy
Abukcheech Mouse (Algonquin). Boy
Achak Spirit (Algonquin). Boy
Adahy Lives in the woods (Cherokee). Boy
Aditsan Listener (Navajo). Boy
Adoeete Kiowa word for tree. Boy
Adoerte Variant of Adoeete: Kiowa word for tree. Boy
Adooeette Variant of Adoeete: Kiowa word for tree. Boy
Adriel beaver, symbol of skill Boy
Ahanu He laughs (Algonquin). Boy
Ahiga He fights (Navajo). Boy
Ahmik Beaver. Boy
Ahote Restless one (Hopi). Boy
Ahtunowhiho One who lives below (Cheyenne). Boy
Ahusaka Winnebago word for wings. Boy
Aiyana eternal bllom Girl
Akando ambush Boy
Akecheta Fighter (Sioux). Boy
Akule Looks up. Boy
Alahmoot Nez perce word for an elm branch. Boy
Alaqua sweet-gum tree Girl
Aleekcheaahoosh Crow name meaning accomplished. Boy
Aleshanee She plays all the time Girl
Alikkees Nez Perce name meaning haircut. Boy
Allahkoliken Nez Perce name meaning antlers. Boy
Alo Spiritual guide (Hopi). Boy
Alona oak tree Girl
Amitola rainbow Girl
Anakausuen Worker (Algonquin). Boy
Angeni spirit angel Girl
Angvariationu Toke Sioux name meaning another day. Boy
Annawan Variant of Annawon: Algonquin name meaning Chief. Boy
Annawon Algonquin name meaning Chief. Boy
Anoki an actor Boy
Apash Wyakaikt Nez Perce name meaning flint necklace. Boy
Apenimon Worthy of trust. Boy
Apiatan Kiowa name meaning lance. Boy
Aponi butterfly Girl
Aponivi Where the wind blows down the gap (Hopi). Boy
Appanoose Sauk word for child. Boy
Aquene peace Girl
Ar-ke-kee-tah Oto name meaning stay. Boy
Aranck Stars (Algonquin). Boy
Arapoosh Crow name meaning stomach ache. Boy
Arre-catte Waho Omaha name meaning large elk. Boy
Ashishishe Crow name for crow. Boy
Ashkii Male (Navajo). Boy
Ashkii Dighin Navajo name meaning sacred child; holy child. Boy
Askook Snake (Algonquin). Boy
Askuwheteau He keeps watch (Algonquin). Boy
Ata’halne’ He interrupts (Navajo). Boy
Atagulkalu Cherokee name meaning pitched trees. Boy
Atsidi Navajo name meaning blacksmith. Boy
Attakullakulla Variant of Atagulkalu: Cherokee name meaning pitched trees. Boy
Avonaco Lean bear (Cheyenne). Boy
Awan Somebody. Boy
Ayawamat One who follows orders (Hopi). Boy
Ayita worker Girl


Read also Baby Girls Names That Start with A | Unique Names with Meaning



Native American Baby Name with B

Name Meaning Gender
Bagwunagijik Variant of Buegoneguig: Chippewa name meaning hole in the sky. Boy
Bemidii Ojibwa name meaning river by a lake. Boy
Bemossed Walker. Boy
Benquasha daughter of Ben Girl
Beshiltheeni Navajo name meaning metalworker. Boy
Bidziil He is strong (Navajo). Boy
Bilagaana White person (Navajo). Boy
Bimisi Slippery. Boy
Bisahalani Navajo name meaning speaker. Boy
Bly high, tall Girl
Bodaway Fire maker. Boy
Bornbazine Variant of Abornazine: Abnaki word for keeper of the flame. Boy
Buegoneguig Chippewa name meaning hole in the sky. Boy

Native American Baby Name with C

Name Meaning Gender
Canowicakte Sioux name meaning forest hunter. Boy
Cashesegra Osage name meaning tracks of a large animal. Boy
Cetanwakuwa Sioux name meaning attacking hawk. Boy
Cha’akmongwi Crier chief (Hopi). Boy
Cha’tima The caller (Hopi). Boy
Chankoowashtay Good road (Sioux). Boy
Chansomps Locust (Algonquin). Boy
Chas chunk a Wave (Winnebago). Boy
Chaska Sioux name given to the first son born. Boy
Chavatangakwunua Short rainbow (Hopi). Boy
Chayton Falcon (Sioux). Boy
Cheasequah Cherokee name meaning red bird. Boy
Cheauka Hopi name meaning clay. Boy
Chebona Bula Creek name meaning laughing male. Boy
Chenoa white dove Girl
Cherokee People of a different speech. One of the largest American Indian tribes. Boy
Chesmu Rough; abrasive; witty. Boy
Cheveyo Spirit warrior (Hopi). Boy
Cheyenne Girl
Chilali snowbird Girl
Chimalis bluebird Girl
Chitto Creek name meaning brave. Boy
Chochmo Mud mound (Hopi). Boy
Chochokpi Throne for the clouds (Hopi). Boy
Chochuschuvio White tailed deer (Hopi). Boy
Chogan Blackbird (Algonquin). Boy
Choovio Antelope (Hopi). Boy
Choviohoya Young deer (Hopi). Boy
Chowilawu Joined together by water (Hopi). Boy
Chu’a Snake (Hopi). Boy
Chuchip Deer spirit (Hopi). Boy
Chunta Cheating (Hopi). Boy
Chuslum Moxmox Nez Perce name meaning yellow bull. Boy
Ciqala Little one (Dakota). Boy
Cochise Wood. Renowned warrior chief of the Chiricahua Apache. Boy
Coowescoowe Cherokee name meaning egret. Boy



Native American Baby Name with D

Name Meaning Gender
Dadgayadoh Seneca name meaning gambling men. Boy
Dakota friend Both
Dakota Friend; ally. Tribal name. Boy
Dakotah Friend; ally. Tribal name. Boy
Dasan Chief. Boy
Deganawidah Variant of Dekanawida: Iroquois name meaning two rivers running. Boy
Degataga Cherokee name meaning gathering. Boy
Dekanawida Iroquois name meaning two rivers running. Boy
Delsin he is so Boy
Delsy Variant of Delsin: He is so. Boy
Demothi Talks while walking. Boy
Dichali Talks later; speaks a lot. Boy
Diwali Cherokee name meaning bowl. Boy
Dohasan Kiowa name meaning cliff. Boy
Dohate Variant of Dohasan: Kiowa name meaning cliff. Boy
Dohosan Variant of Dohasan: Kiowa name meaning cliff. Boy
Dyami eagle Boy
Dyani deer Girl



Native American Baby Name with E, F, G

Name Meaning Gender
Ealahweemah Nez Perce name meaning sleep. Boy
Ealaot Wadass Nez Perce name meaning earth. Boy
Ealaothek Kaunis Nez Perce name meaning birds landing. Boy
Eapalekthiloom Nez Perce name meaning mound of clouds. Boy
Edensaw Tlingit name meaning glacier. Boy
Elan Friendly. Boy
Elaskolatat Nez Perce name meaning animal running into the ground. Boy
Elki Draping over. Boy
Elsu Flying falcon. Boy
Elu full of grace Boy
Eluwilussit Holy one (Algonquin). Boy
Enapay Brave (Sioux). Boy
Enkoodabaoo One who lives alone (Algonquin). Boy
Enkoodabooaoo One who lives alone (Algonquin). Boy
Enli I saw a dog. Boy
Enola magnolia Girl
Enyeto Walks as a bear. Boy
Eskaminzim Apache name meaning big mouth. Boy
Espowyes Nez Perce name for light on the mountain. Boy
Etania wealthy Girl
Etchemin Canoe man (Algonquin). Boy
Etlelooaat Shouts (Algonquin). Boy
Etu The sun. Boy
Eyanosa Sioux name meaning big both ways. Boy
Eyota Great. Boy
Ezhno Solitary. Boy
Fala crow Girl
Gaagii Raven (Navajo). Boy
Gad Juniper tree (Navajo). Boy
Gosheven Leaper. Boy
Guyapi Frank. Boy



Native American Baby Name with H, I, J

Name Meaning Gender
Hahkethomemah Little robe (Cheyenne). Boy
Hahnee Beggar. Boy
Hakan Fire. Boy
Halona fortunate Girl
Hania Spirit warrior (Hopi). Boy
Harkahome Little robe (Cheyenne). Boy
Hassun Stone (Algonquin). Boy
Hastiin Man (Navajo). Boy
Hawiovi Going down the ladder (Hopi). Boy
He lush ka Fighter (Winnebago). Boy
Heammawihio Wise one above (Cheyenne). Boy
Hekli Touch (Miwok). Boy
Helaku sunny day Boy
Heskovizenako Porcupine bear (Cheyenne). Boy
Hesutu Yellow jacket’s nest rising out of the ground (Miwok). Boy
Hevataneo Hairyrope (Cheyenne). Boy
Hevovitastamiutsto Whirlwind (Cheyenne). Boy
Hiamovi High chief (Cheyenne). Boy
Hinto Blue (Dakota). Boy
Hohnihohkaiyohos High backed wolf (Cheyenne). Boy
Hok’ee Abandoned (Navajo). Boy
Honani Badger (Hopi). Boy
Honaw Bear (Hopi). Boy
Honiahaka Little wolf (Cheyenne). Boy
Honon Bear (Miwok). Boy
Honovi Strong. Boy
Hotah White (Sioux). Boy
Hototo Warrior spirit who sings (Hopi). Boy
Hotuaekhaashtait Tall bull (Cheyenne). Boy
Howahkan Of the mysterious voice (Sioux). Boy
Howi Turtle dove (Miwok). Boy
Huritt Handsome (Algonquin). Boy
Huyana rain falling Girl
Igasho Wanders. Boy
Illanipi Amazing. Boy
Inteus Has no shame. Boy
Istaqa Coyote man (Hopi). Boy
Istas snow Girl
Istu Sugar. Boy
Jacy the moon Boy
Jolon valley of the dead oaks Boy



Native American Baby Name with K

Name Meaning Gender
Kachada White man (Hopi). Boy
Kachine sacred dancer Girl
Kaga Chronicler. Boy
Kajika Walks without sound. Boy
Kangee Raven (Sioux). Boy
Kaniya Girl
Kele Sparrow (Hopi). Boy
Keme Secret Pajackok – thunder (Algonquin). Boy
Kesegowaase Swift (Algonquin). Boy
Kestejoo Slave (Algonquin). Boy
Kiona brown hills Girl
Kitchi Brave (Algonquin). Boy
Knoton Wind. Boy
Kohana Swift (Sioux). Boy
Kohkahycumest White crow or white antelope (Cheyenne). Boy
Koko night Girl
Kolichiyaw Skunk (Hopi). Boy
Koshisigre Variant of Cashesegra: Osage name meaning tracks of a large animal. Boy
Kosumi Fishes for salmon with spear (Miwok). Boy
Kotori Screech owl spirit (Hopi). Boy
Kuckunniwi Little wolf (Cheyenne). Boy
Kuruk Bear (Pawnee). Boy
Kwahu Eagle (Hopi). Boy
Kwatoko Bird with big beak (Hopi). Boy



Native American Baby Name with L

Name Meaning Gender
Lakota friend Both
Langundo Peaceful. Boy
Lansa Lance (Hopi). Boy
Lapu Cedar bark (Hopi). Boy
Laquetta Girl
Len Flute (Hopi). Boy
Lenno Man. Boy
Leyti Shaped like an abalone shell (Miwok). Boy
Lise Salmon’s head rising above water (Miwok). Boy
Liwanu Growl of a bear (Miwok). Boy
Lokni Rain falls through the roof (Miwok). Boy
Lonato Flint. Boy
Lootah Red (Sioux). Boy
lye Smoke. Boy



Native American Baby Name with M

Name Meaning Gender
Machakw Horny toad (Hopi). Boy
Machk Bear (Algonquin). Boy
Mahkah Earth (Sioux). Boy
Mahpee Sky (Sioux). Boy
Makkapitew He has large teeth (Algonquin). Boy
Makya Eagle hunter (Hopi). Boy
Mantotohpa Four bears (Cheyenne). Boy
Masichuvio Gray deer (Hopi). Boy
Maska Strong. Boy
Matchitehew He has an evil heart (Algonquin). Boy
Matchitisiw He has bad character (Algonquin). Boy
Matoskah White bear (Sioux). Boy
Matunaagd Fights (Algonquin). Boy
Matwau Enemy (Algonquin). Boy
Maza blaska Flat iron (Dakota). Boy
Meda priestess Girl
Megedagik Kills many (Algonquin). Boy
Mekledoodum Conceited (Algonquin). Boy
Meturato Black kettle (Cheyenne). Boy
Miakoda power of the moon Girl
Milap Charitable. Boy
Minda knowledge Girl
Mingan Gray wolf. Boy
Minninnewah Whirlwind (Cheyenne). Boy
Misu Rippling brook (Miwok). Boy
Mitena coming moon, new moon Girl
Mitexi sacred moon Girl
Mochni Talking bird (Hopi). Boy
Mojag Never silent. Boy
Mokatavatah Black kettle (Cheyenne). Boy
Moketavato Black kettle (Cheyenne). Boy
Moketaveto Black kettle (Cheyenne). Boy
Moketoveto Black kettle (Cheyenne). Boy
Moki Deer (Hopi). Boy
Mokovaoto Black kettle (Cheyenne). Boy
Molimo Bear walking into shade (Miwok). Boy
Mona Gathers jimson weed seed (Miwok). Boy
Mongwau Owl (Hopi). Boy
Motavato Black kettle (Cheyenne). Boy
Motega new arrow Boy
Muata Yellow jackets inside a nest (Miwok). Boy
Mukki Child (Algonquin). Boy
Muraco White moon. Boy



Native American Baby Name with N

Name Meaning Gender
Naalnish He works (Navajo). Boy
Naalyehe ya sidahi Trader (Navajo). Boy
Nahcomence Oldbark antelope (Cheyenne). Boy
Nahele Forest. Boy
Nahiossi Has three fingers (Cheyenne). Boy
Napayshni Strong or courageous (Sioux). Boy
Nastas Curve like foxtail grass (Navajo). Boy
Nawat Left handed. Boy
Nawkaw Wood (Winnebago). Boy
Nayati He who wrestles. Boy
Neeheeoeewootis High backed wolf (Cheyenne). Boy
Neka Wild goose. Boy
Nigan Ahead. Boy
Niichaad Swollen (Navajo). Boy
Nikiti Round or smooth. Boy
Nita bear Girl
Nitika angel of precious stone Girl
Nitis Friend. Boy
Nixkamich Grandfather (Algonquin). Boy
Niyol Wind (Navajo). Boy
Nodin wind Boy
Nootau Fire (Algonquin). Boy
Nosh Father (Algonquin). Boy
Noshi Father (Algonquin). Boy
Nukpana Evil (Hopi). Boy



Native American Baby Name with O

Name Meaning Gender
Ocumwhowurst Yellow wolf (Cheyenne). Boy
Ocunnowhurst Yellow wolf (Cheyenne). Boy
Odakota Friend (Sioux). Boy
Ogaleesha Wears a red shirt (Sioux). Boy
Ohanko Reckless. Boy
Ohanzee Shadow (Sioux). Boy
Ohcumgache Little wolf (Cheyenne). Boy
Ohitekah Brave (Sioux). Boy
Okhmhaka Little wolf (Cheyenne). Boy
Olathe beautiful Girl
Omawnakw Cloud feather (Hopi). Boy
Onida the expected one Girl
Otaktay Kills many (Sioux). Boy
Otoahhastis Tall bull (Cheyenne). Boy
Otoahnacto Bull bear (Cheyenne). Boy
Ouray Arrow. Boy



Native American Baby Name with P, Q, R

Name Meaning Gender
Pachu’a Feathered water snake (Hopi). Boy
Paco Eagle. Boy
Pahana Lost white brother (Hopi). Boy
Pallaton Warrior. Boy
Pannoowau He lies (Algonquin). Boy
Pat Fish. Boy
Patamon raging Boy
Patwin Man. Boy
Pay He is coming. Boy
Payat He is coming. Boy
Payatt He is coming. Boy
Paytah Fire (Sioux). Boy
Pilan supreme essence Boy
PiMne Weasel (Hopi). Boy
Powwaw Priest (Algonquin). Boy
Qaletaqa Guardian of the people (Hopi). Boy
Qochata White man (Hopi). Boy
Rowtag Fire (Algonquin). Boy



Native American Baby Name with S

Name Meaning Gender
Sahale above Boy
Sakari sweet Girl
Sakima King. Boy
Sani The old one (Navajo). Boy
Satinka magic dancer Girl
Segenam Lazy (Algonquin). Boy
Sewati Curved bear claw (Miwok). Boy
Shako mint Girl
Shaman holy man Boy
Shilah Brother (Navajo). Boy
Shiriki Coyote (Pawnee). Boy
Shishiesh Variant of Ashishishe: Crow name for crow. Boy
Shiye Son (Navajo). Boy
Shizhe’e Father (Navajo). Boy
Shoemowetochawcawe High backed wolf (Cheyenne). Boy
Shysie silent little one Girl
Sicheii Grandfather (Navajo). Boy
Sik’is Friend (Navajo). Boy
Sike He sits at home (Navajo). Boy
Sikyahonaw Yellow bear (Hopi). Boy
Sikyatavo Yellow rabbit (Hopi). Boy
Siwili Tail of the fox. Boy
Skah White (Sioux). Boy
Songaa Strong. Boy
Sowi’ngwa Black – tailed deer (Hopi). Boy
Sucki Black (Algonquin). Boy
Sunukkuhkau He crushes (Algonquin). Boy



Native American Baby Name with T, U

Name Meaning Gender
T’iis Cottonwood (Navajo). Boy
Taborri voices that carry Girl
Tacincala deer Girl
Tahkeome Little robe (Cheyenne). Boy
Tahmelapachme Dull knife (Cheyenne). Boy
Taima crash of thunder Girl
Taima Thunder. Boy
Tainn new moon Girl
Takoda friend to all Girl
Takoda Friend to everyone (Sioux). Boy
Tala stalking wolf Girl
Tama thunderbolt Girl
Tangakwunu Rainbow (Hopi). Boy
Tareva-Chine(shanay) beautiful eyes Girl
Tarsha Girl
Tasunke Horse (Dakota). Boy
Tatanka ptecila Short bull (Dakota). Boy
Tate He who talks too much. Boy
Tayen new moon Girl
Teetonka Talks too much (Sioux). Boy
Tehya precious Girl
Telutci Bear making dust (Miwok). Boy
Tihkoosue Short (Algonquin). Boy
Tocho Mountain lion (Hopi). Boy
Togquos Twin (Algonquin). Boy
Tohopka Wild beast (Hopi). Boy
Tokala Fox (Dakota). Boy
Tooantuh Spring frog (Cherokee). Boy
Tse Rock (Navajo). Boy
Tsiishch’ili Curly haired (Navajo). Boy
Tuketu Bear making dust (Miwok). Boy
Tupi To pull up (Miwok). Boy
Tyee chief Boy
Uzumati Bear (Miwok). Boy



Native American Baby Name with W

Name Meaning Gender
Wahanassatta He who walks with his toes turned outward (Cheyenne). Boy
Wahchinksapa Wise (Sioux). Boy
Wahchintonka Has much Practice (Sioux). Boy
Wahkan Sacred (Sioux). Boy
Wakiza Desperate warrior. Boy
Wamblee Eagle (Sioux). Boy
Wambleesha White eagle (Sioux). Boy
Wambli waste Good eagle (Dakota). Boy
Wanageeska White spirit (Sioux). Boy
Wanahton Charger (Sioux). Boy
Waneta charger Girl
Wanikiy Savior (Sioux). Boy
Wapeka skillful Girl
Wapi Lucky. Boy
Waquini Hook nose (Cheyenne). Boy
Weayaya Setting sun (Sioux). Boy
Wematin Brother (Algonquin). Boy
Wemilat Of wealthy parents. Boy
Wicasa Sage (Dakota). Boy
Wikvaya One who brings (Hopi). Boy
Winema Female chief Girl
Wohehiv Dull knife (Cheyenne). Boy
Wokaihwokomas White antelope (Cheyenne). Boy
Wuyi Soaring turkey vulture (Miwok). Boy
Wynono First born. Boy
Wyome plain Boy



Native American Baby Name with Y, Z

Name Meaning Gender
Yahto blue Boy
Yancy yankee Boy
Yanisin Ashamed (Navajo). Boy
Yas Snow (Navajo). Boy
Yiska The night has passed (Navajo). Boy
Yuma son of the chief Boy
Zaltana high mountain Girl
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