Are you searching for American baby names for girls or boys? America may be a young country, but it has a very vast history of many popular names that has impacted the world greatly.
From the early days of the Wild West to revolutionaries and civil rights activists, celebrities and darkness – you’re sure to find a name on this list of more than 400 American baby name ideas.
American Baby Names for Girls
There are endless possibilities when it comes to choosing a name for your baby girl. If you’re looking for some inspiration, here are some of the most popular American baby names for girls.
Classic names like Emma, Emily, and Sophia are always popular choices. Other popular names include Olivia, Ava, and Mia. If you’re looking for something a little different, you can also consider names like Isabella, Hazel, or even Luna.
No matter what you choose, pick a name that you and your child will love. After all, she’ll be wearing it for the rest of her life!
April | Angela | Bentley |
Aaliyah | Anabel | Bethany |
Abby | Anika | Blake |
Abigail | Ann | Boone |
Abilene | Annie | Brandy |
Addison | Apple | Bri |
Alaska | Ariel | Bridgette |
Alexa | Ashley | Bristol |
Alice | Audrey | Britney |
Allison | Aurora | Brooke |
Alyssa | Autumn | Brooklyn |
Amelia | Avery | Bryn |
America | Beatrice | Caitlin |
Amy | Bella | Callie |
Callie | Dana | Faith |
Carlie | Danika | Francesca |
Caroline | Delilah | Gemma |
Casey | Demi | Greta |
Cassidy | Desiree | Hailey |
Charlotte | Dianna | Hannah |
Cheyenne | Dixie | Harper |
Chloe | Elaine | Hattie |
Claire | Elena | Hope |
Clara | Ella | Isabelle |
Claudia | Emerson | Jada |
Courtney | Emily | Jamie |
Crystal | Emma | Janet |
Daisy | Erin | Jennifer |
Dallas | Evelyn | Jenny |
Joanna | Kimberly | Lyla |
Joanne | Kirsten | Maddie |
JoJo | Kristen | Maddison |
Jordan | Lara | Madeline |
Joy | Lauren | Madison |
Joyce | Leah | Makenzie |
Judith | Lexi | Mallory |
Judy | Lilian | Mariah |
Kai | Lily | Marie |
Kayla | Linda | Mary |
Kaylee | Lindsey | Matilda |
Kelly | Lisa | Maya |
Kendal | Liv | Melinda |
Kiara | Lorainne | Melissa |
Kiera | Lucy | Melody |
Also read: 433 Native American Baby Name List with Meanings | Boys & Girls

Popular Girl Names
Mercedes | Paige | Ruth |
Meredith | Paisley | Ryan |
Mia | Pamela | Sage |
Micah | Patricia | Samantha |
Miley | Penelope | Sarah |
Miracle | Poppy | Savannah |
Molly | Raegan | Scarlet |
Monica | Raina | Scout |
Nancy | Rebecca | Serena |
Naomi | Renee | Sheila |
Natalie | Riley | Shiloh |
Natasha | River | Sierra |
Nicole | Robin | Sky |
Noelle | Rosie | Skylar |
Olivia | Rune | Sloan |
Sophie | Tegan | Vivian |
Stacy | Tess | Vale |
Star | Thalia | Willow |
Stephanie | Tori | Wren |
Summer | Truth | Wynona |
Sylvia | Valerie | Zara |
Tanya | Violet | Zetta Mae |
Tara | Virginia | Zoe |

Also read: Baby Girls Names That Start with A | Unique Names with Meaning
American Baby Names for Boys
While it’s fun to look at baby name trends from other countries, there’s something special about choosing an American baby name for your son.
Whether you’re looking for a traditional name or something with a modern twist, there are plenty of great options to choose from.
To help you out, we’ve compiled a list of some of our favorite American baby names for boys. From classic names like Benjamin and Andrew to modern names like Finn and Grayson, we’re sure you’ll find the perfect name for your little one.
Aaron | Axel | Bryce |
Adam | Beau | Bryson |
Aiden | Ben | Caleb |
Alan | Benjamin | Calvin |
Aldo | Blake | Carl |
Alec | Bobby | Carlos |
Alexander | Bradley | Chad |
Allen | Brady | Channing |
Alton | Brandon | Charles |
Amos | Brenden | Charlie |
Angel | Brett | Chase |
Anthony | Brodie | Christian |
Ari | Bruno | Chuck |
Austin | Bryan | Clark |
Clay | Doug | Gavin |
Clyde | Douglas | Gil |
Cody | Drake | Glen |
Colton | Drew | Grant |
Conor | Dudley | Grayson |
Conrad | Dusty | Gregory |
Cooper | Dylan | Guy |
Corey | Elliot | Harper |
Craig | Elvis | Harris |
Cyrus | Enzo | Harvey |
Damian | Ethan | Heath |
Daniel | Eugene | Hector |
Darrell | Felipe | Hendrix |
David | Franco | Henry |
Derrick | Gabe | Homer |
Dexter | Gail | Howard |
Diego | Garrett | Hugo |
Dimitri | Gary | Ian |
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Popular Boy Names
The most popular boy names vary from year to year, but there are always a few that remain at the top of the list. In recent years, the names Liam, Noah, and Benjamin have been among the most popular for baby boys.
However, there are many other great names out there that are sure to please parents and their little ones. Choosing a name for your baby boy is a big decision, but it doesn’t have to be a difficult one.
Take a look at this list of popular boy names and see if any of them are perfect for your little guy.
Jace | Kayvan | Luke |
Jacon | Kennedy | Manuel |
Jaime | Kenneth | Mario |
James | Kevin | Mark |
Jason | Kieran | Marvin |
Jaxon | Kingsley | Mason |
Jeff | Kobe | Mason |
Jeffrey | Kyle | Matthew |
Joe | Larry | Max |
Jordan | Lee | Mayson |
Jose | Lennon | Micah |
Joseph | Leo | Michael |
Joshua | Leonard | Miles |
Julian | Levi | Miller |
Justice | Liam | Mitchell |
Justin | Logan | Nathan |
Kale | Lucas | Neil |
Nick | Royce | Todd |
Noah | Russell | Tom |
Nolan | Sam | Tony |
Owen | Sawyer | Trace |
Patrick | Scott | Travis |
Paul | Seamus | Trent |
Peter | Sean | Trevor |
Phillip | Seth | Trey |
Pierre | Sidney | Trice |
Prince | Simon | Tristan |
Quentin | Stanley | Tyler |
Ralph | Steven | Walter |
Randy | Tate | Wesley |
Ray | Taylor | Westin |
Remy | Theo | William |
Riley | Thomas | Wilson |
Ross | Timothy | Zachary |
Roy | Toby | Zeke |
Every year, the Social Security Administration releases a list of the most popular baby names in the United States. And every year, there are some names that stand out from the rest. For girls, the most popular names in 2019 were Emma, Olivia, Ava, Sophia, and Isabella. For boys, the most popular names were Liam, Noah, Benjamin, Elijah, and Lucas. So what will the most popular names be in 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, and onwards? Only time will tell, but one thing is for sure – there will be some new names on the list!