Looking for something delicious today? Then here is an easy recipe on how to make chicken cutlets from the comfort of your kitchen and impress your loved ones with your amazing culinary skills.
Chicken Cutlets is a recipe which is delicious yet loved by all age group. Before we start making chicken cutlets with a crispy look, we have to discuss first the most important part of every recipe, yes we are talking about its ingredients.
Let’s have a look at the ingredients of crispy chicken cutlets below:
- Mashed potatoes 500 grams
- Boiled and shredded chicken 250 grams coriander and mint half cup
- Soya sauce 1 tbsp
- Garlic powder 1 tbsp
- Chilli and salt as per taste
- Whole spices 1 teaspoon
- Roasted cumin 1 tablespoons
- Black pepper 1 teaspoon
- Chicken powder 1 teaspoon
- For coating beaten egg 1
- Breadcrumbs in sufficient quantity
How To Make Chicken Cutlets – Directions
Before you start making chicken cutlets, wash your hands properly to keep the hygiene while cooking.
- Add all ingredients in a bowl, except eggs and breadcrumbs.
- Mix all of them well and form round-shape discs. Make sure the discs are of the same weight.
- Once shapes are made, coat them with egg first and then with breadcrumbs.
- Shallow fry until color changes to light brown.
- Serve with your favorite sauce (Chatni).
We hope that you will enjoy the recipe of how to make chicken cutlets. If you have any confusion from the recipe written, follow the step by step procedure in our Youtube Video at the start of the page of you can watch the full video here.
You can comment below and provide your valuable feedback about cutlets. Our experts will be contributing to your valuable feedback to bring more great recipes for you in the future.
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